Friday 15 November 2019


It would have been fine if yo were attacking them for Their crimes but to you their crime is being black you give good white people a bad name nobody likes gangs or criminals but we hate your racist ass also roc my friend when i think of things that dont belong in this world gangs and racists come together in my top ten buddy your a fucktard just the same as a gang member no matter their skin color Loading So in a funny way I think that he thinks all the people that have dissed him are his best friends because he has had none! See HAHAHA, you are from the ghetto, you will more then likely stay in the ghetto, collecting welfare, food stamps, and saying you could have become something and but became nothing. They dress, talk and act like Niggers. So hit me up locs or dawgs and put me in on the hood! And to all these dudes in this photo posing like they just won an award thanks for spitting in the face of Dr King and Malcolm X and all the other bros and sisters that lost there lives during the movement. The overwhelming majority of Blacks are basically useless ignorant Niggers. 83gc

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#83GC Instagram - Photo and video on Instagram • Webstagram

I only said that bad word because I wanted to piss Ricco pussy lips off. I know the pressure of the streets. You can and just sound uneducated.


Hi buddy just checkin in to let ya lmo im thinking of you,and btw jimi hendrix told em to tell you made 883gc rock suck his dick oops he said it was just janis joplin Loading You truly sound like an ignorant Nigger on Crack. God help you when I find out.

83GC M8v3nnn

Wow i guess i owe them an apology on Monday!! Uncle Tom ass coon! Truth of the matter is your threatening people. He is the easiest guy to rattle. You should probably read what he was trying to say one more time Loading I do travel between the Midwest and Los Angeles quite a bit.

And everyone knows ur a cunt who fingers himself everyday to gay porn! I would enjoy tearing out your Nigger Throat after you throw the first punch in the honor of the Street Nigger you are defending.

Are you too dumb to understand what a Job is in Life? Any time you guys are committing million dollar Fraud schemes. Thank you very much you made my point. Does anyone still do the Cripk whistle? Niggers in a Cemetery. C'z up To all of my homiez it's your day No Asshole, The regular Police Officers work under our direction.

These guys in these photos are real gangsters not some wanna be tough guys like you! My job is to put Asshole Niggers like you in Jail before some other Nigger kills you.

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Your password reset link 83g to be invalid or expired. But there is always hope. It hurts worse when I see how kids that had so much promise got hooked on drugs and turned into zombies from the crack these gangsters are selling. You however are a disgrace young man!! You do not scare anyone, your words are of the lowest intelligence that I have seen.

That can mean a lot of different things, Asshole. You got 2 be the dumbest cracker ever dont write no more…. This is where they will all be sooner than later. Now, go fuck yourself, Nigger. Just like i said u r a faggot….


Do you have an Alias at least? But i really LOVE what you said my brother! Real ab or peni would never come on a site like this and rep there set. Jose Marina says that Rocco is not in law enforcement and there is no documentation anywhere proving 83bc he is.

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